Thursday, December 18, 2008

Product Rave! Powdered Peanut Butter

Okay, I know it sounds weird, but this stuff is probably the best food innovation I've seen in quite some time. It's exactly what it sounds like.. powdered peanut butter. You mix the powder with just a little bit of water and it makes a paste that is similar in consistency to peanut butter. It's a little thicker and not as oily, but it is perfectly spreadable and has all the flavor of regular peanut butter. Now here's the kicker.... it's only 53 calories per serving!! In case you weren't aware, regular peanut butter has 180 calories per serving. A serving, by the way, is 2 tablespoons. It's not really that much. Oh, and while the powdered peanut butter has one EIGHTH of the fat of its conventional counterpart (1.87g vs. 16g), it manages to keep almost all of the protein (5.65g compared to 7g for regular peanut butter).

If you ate a peanut butter sandwich every day and switched from regular pb to the powdered kind, you would lose about a pound a month, or 14 lbs in a year, without changing anything else! Or, you could look at it a different way... and eat an extra 130 calories each time you make the substitution. So, for example, instead of having just a pb&j, you could have a pb&j AND

a 6oz. Yoplait light yogurt

a very large apple

a 100-calorie pack of your choice

1/2 cup light ice cream

a chocolate truffle

a glass of 1% milk

2 cups of baby carrots

a small bag of baked Lays potato chips

a single-serving box of Frosted Flakes

2 fat free fudgsicles

2 apple cinnamon rice cakes


5 more tablespoons of powdered pb!

The possibilities are endless! You can order this little miracle here. They also have a chocolate flavored version that I haven't tried, but I can just imagine how yummy it is.

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