Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My favorite salad dressing

Okay, so I've been slacking on the blog posts. I think it's because all of my posts end up being these long, drawn-out diatribes that require a lot of thought and research to write. It's a little daunting to try to keep that up on a regular basis. So, I think I'll give shorter, less-intense posts a try. For today, I'd like to share with the world (or my 6 readers at least), a recipe for the best low-fat salad dressing I've tasted. It is based loosely on a dressing I tried at a local vegetarian restaurant, Claire's Cornercopia. Unfortunately, I don't really measure things, so it's not so much a recipe as a list of ingredients, which you can adjust to your own taste:

nonfat plain yogurt (Greek or regular)
salt, pepper
lime juice (or lemon juice, alternatively)
fresh or dried herbs - I recommend dill and/or chives

I prefer my dressing to be simple, as above, but feel free to add as many additional flavors as you like.

The best thing about this dressing is that it has only 22.5 calories per 1/4 cup and 0g fat. This is compared to the typical commercial dressing which has 290 calories and 31g of fat!! So you can feel free to drench your salad in this dressing with NO guilt whatsoever.

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